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Exploring the Magic of Bilingual Storytelling Performance with Plastilin Media OY

Meet the Bilingual storytelling performance – the new format of the theatre performance, developed by the «Plastilin Media OY». During the Bilingual storytelling performance 2 actors are reading the same story in 2 languages, changing the language after almost every sentence. Some time they translate each other, sometimes they deliver the idea by theatrical means. So, it is a combination of storytelling & theatre. The duration of the shows is approximately 25-30 minutes and it mainly aimed at the children audience. The goal of this performance is to show to the audience the importance of knowing more than one language, to broaden cultural boundaries, to develop unusual theatre technique and just to let children to have a good time. The benefit of bilingual performance, when one part of the audience do not understand the language, which understands another part (and vice versa), is their outstanding visuality, which helps actors to support understanding of the whole idea. Imatra is a multi-language region with a sufficient number of the Russian-speaking population. That is why we have a strong desire to start here our bilingual storytelling performance in Finnish & Russian languages. We are sure - it is the right time. Now, more than ever, people need to understand each other better. We believe that our project will serve as an effective mean of mutual understanding. It will also help for more effective integration of newcomers to the local society. If Finnish-Russian language project will work well, we will be glad to expand it and add other languages. The project will be performed by the professional actress Maria Saporovskaja, a member of the “Plastilin Media OY” team and Pirja Arponen, actress from Imatra. In September 2023 “Plastilin Media OY” has applied with this Bilingual storytelling performance project for the “Kulmille!” Imatrankoski's idea competition, organized by the city of Imatra.


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